New Schools joining in

This new term has seen another thirteen new schools offering the Junior Duke Award to their pupils! For the past two years, there have been nine Scottish schools, with around 1200 children taking part. This year, there are now twenty-two schools facilitating the Award – for 2404 children…and it’s no longer just in Scotland! There are helpful teachers working in council-run schools in: Wigan, Tyne-and-Weir, Devon, the Trossachs, the Highlands, Glasgow as well as independent schools in Hampshire, Glasgow and Elgin.

Each of these schools has a friendly, hard-working member of staff running the Junior Duke and most have already organised their own Ambassador. Today, I received this photo of St Aidan’s Primary receiving their booklets from their Ambassadors, Rugby League players from Wigan, Liam Marshall and Sean O’Loughlin. What excitement in their hall!

Many thanks to Mrs Brown for sending me this photo.

Good luck to all new Junior Dukers and to all of the teachers giving their time to assess the challenges and listen to the excitement as children discover they are capable of learning so many new skills and talents.

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