Send us your Junior Duke pictures!
In our gallery, you will see that we haven't mentioned names, schools or countries. That is because we hadn't ask if we could.
However, from now on, if you would like a mention, please give us as much, or as little, of the following information as you would like and you may make it into our gallery!
Click below to upload yours!
Upload your pictures here
What to include:
- the photo (you must have permission to share)
- The name of the person in the photo (optional)
- What country you are from
- The school name
- The Award level (eg. Platinum)
- Challenge name (eg. Cookery)
Getting started with The Junior Duke Award
Throughout the ten levels, there are nearly 140 different, progressive challenges ranging from First Aid, eco, exercise, domestic challenges, budgeting, fixing punctures, building fires, baking, cooking, washing sheets, making presentations, knitting, litter-picking….all manner of things!
Fun for all the family!